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Abundantly Blessed and Deeply Grateful

Writer: Michele Taylor R.Sc.P.Michele Taylor R.Sc.P.

By: Rev. Barbara Samule

Hands in the air—doesn’t it just seem like a few months ago, that we were just celebrating Christmas? Where does time fly?

If you live in Canada, this last weekend was our Thanksgiving celebration. And I know by Tuesday morning, Thanksgiving is done. Only to be replaced quickly by Christmas merchandise stocked in all the stores. Halloween costumes and decorations have already been flying off the shelves. Life moves so swiftly. I feel like Thanksgiving is quickly forgotten. One day to celebrate??? That’s it??? Well, I want to invite you to live in Thanksgiving all year round!!

What are you doing this year for Thanksgiving? Even if Thanksgiving isn’t a holiday in Kenya, how are you choosing to live in an attitude of gratitude?

As a child, I learned Thanksgiving was about family, food, sharing, community, forgiveness, love and acceptance. The holiday continues now, and I continue to reflect on what I am truly thankful for. And at this very moment? That’s easy.


Giving thanks and being thankful—that’s what our special day is dedicated to each year and I love to practice gratitude EVERY – SINGLE – DAY!! You have heard me say it before. Gratitude is my religion.

I am especially thankful for my family, those present and those gone before me, for infusing a spirit of gratitude for every gift of love and time shared with people I love in my life. I value my life here in Canada and my spiritual family and connections formed here.

But this year, I focus my blessings of gratitude on Kenya. I appreciate each and every volunteer, teacher, student, staff, Practitioner, Minister, child and associate who make up my Global family of CSLKenya. Every day, I witness an incredible dedication by all to create a true family and team effort. I am moved by all, who make what we do a blessing, a treasure, a life to be shared spreading the message of love through the Science of Mind Philosophy around the world.

I want you to hear me say, the best gift you share this Thanksgiving season is–your time. It is priceless, cherished, and irreplaceable. The world continues to happen despite extraordinary changes these months. So I purposefully stop to reflect thinking of so many. For some, this will be their first Thanksgiving without a loved one in their lives. Who do you know who would like to be included at your table, be it Thanksgiving time – or any time of the year – who might be too shy to say, or tell you they’re alone, without plans? Consider giving them your time and love this year.

It is a spirit of an attitude of gratitude that we can find reasons to change our hearts and minds to accept and love everyone. To embrace and recognize those who need our understanding and patience the most. By thinking deeper, we can go further…together.

It is not just this special time to consider others; but that we might also be willing to thank ourselves. That’s right. Hug yourself right now and say thank you. Thank you for all you do, all you are, all you have, all you share and all you give and receive as you continue to embrace gratitude. When we look at others as we want to be seen, as reflections of ourselves, then there is a softness in our hearts that can overcome us, encouraged by infinite possibilities of community growing, flowing and glowing together as One.

Giving thanks is celebrated first in our hearts.

Can we all stop and take a deep breath right now—freeze time for just three minutes. What are you thankful for right now? Is it your ability to be enjoying a morning drink and taking time to read this blog? Is it having clear Internet without disruptions to participate in class? Is it leaving your home for a job you love? Is it because you have time to enjoy the people in your life, that you are thankful? Are you thankful because you or your children are getting the education you require to have a successful future? What is it for you? Do you have good walking shoes? Are you healthy? What are you thankful for? It can be found in the smallest of things.

I want you all to know that I am grateful and appreciative that you have all impacted my life in a huge and incredible way. I am forever transformed because of Kenya. I am moved because of all of you. As a result, I continue to live in awe and wonder!

In the 5 steps of Treatment, the 4th step is gratitude.

As a metaphysician, I know that gratitude is a creative force – an element of the creative process. When I am in a state of gratitude for what I have not yet received, I am creating a consciousness of receptivity to that good.

“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual”

Henry David Thoreau

Every day, not just this day or this week, I am thankful that you share yourself with your Spiritual CSLK Family. We journey together on the path toward remembering, cherishing, healing, and sharing time with everyone. From me to you, I keep you in my thoughts, treatment and my heart. I am abundantly blessed and deeply grateful for each of you. May blessings be yours this Thanksgiving.

With abundant gratitude, love, and deep appreciation always,

Reverend Barbara Samuel


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