by Muthoni Kimondo 7/7/24
I stood on the road of weariness:
Tired, angry, frustrated
of being used.
Work was a drag,
money scarce,
joy took a walk
far away from me.
Then I looked ahead
To where I saw a flicker of light
A call to a feast,
A table laden with good.
I took a step towards this light,
A teeny tiny step at a time.
At the door a neon sign read
‘God is my instant, constant and abundant source and supply.’
My gut sniggered, it huffed, guffawed…
But then…as I entered the Light
A hush fell upon the hall
Except for a voice that said
‘Be still and know that I am God.’
Be still? Haha!
Be still indeed.
How, when there is so much to be done?!
‘Hush, my darling child, hush!
Just learn to be
Be the universal flow
Be the abundance of life and substance
Be the tributary that receives from the stream and passes it on
Be the living magnet, constantly drawing to you
the things
the people
The circumstances in accord with your thoughts.’
Then I knew I had to know God!
How do I know God?
‘Be still. Listen.
Stop. Listen. Watch.
Watch the birds in free flight
Watch them swoop down for their food
See the wild sage
boasting with flower in season and out
Listen to the wind
For she carries a song for you.
She bears all that you need.
Lose control and know that all is well.’
And so, I sat at the table
sat in surrender
Whispering gratitude for unknown blessings on their way.
Then a thing began to unfold…
My heart swelled with joy, with freedom.
I felt elated.
A radiance from within illuminated the hall even brighter and
The Great Teacher spoke
‘No matter what your work, let it be your own
Let it be in your bones.
In this way you will open the door by which heaven and earth shall stream into you.’
I let this word wash over me
Saturate me.
The next Monday morning held no blues.
It found me ready for it.
I was open at the top.
Saying yes to Mondays
Was all the magic it took.
I have learned that work is a process
An outworking of the creative flow
Through which I fulfill my divine nature.
When I changed my attitude towards my job,
It changed its altitude for me to ascend.
Now I feel energized,
I work imaginatively,
My mind flows with extraordinary ideas,
I have found my voice;
The voice of Spirit within me.
I remember who I am.
I am who I am.
This is my celebration of the Spiritual Economics course.