Calling all Spiritual Warriors. Requesting that you join us in knowing the Truth for our wonderful Kenyan community and the entire country.
The story as I understand it from pieces from different students. For a few days, many young adults in Kenya have been protesting the new taxes the government is imposing. They were peaceful marches and either yesterday or today turned into deadly conflict. The protestors were gassed, part of parliament was burned, and ten are dead. Students are having to avoid bus routes, taking longer to get home. Some schools are closing until next week, and now the Internet is down due to cables under the sea. We had to cancel class today. Those are the facts or information I know.
Now for the Truth. God is present in this moment and every moment. All of God is in every person, experience, and possibility. So know for me that Peace, Truth, Love, and ease are the Truth for Kenya right now. All parts of the country are affected not just Nairobi. It's political and therefore, there are two visual sides to the coin but we all know there is only One. So thank you in advance for your prayer support during this challenging time for our community.
This is what I sent to our students yesterday morning:
Things are getting a little rough from what we hear with the internet and the rioting… Be Still And Know That I AM the place where God shows up and I AM the place of Peace - that Peace that passes all understanding, radiating out from my heart space… knowing, remembering only Love. Focus on what you want - you can either be part of the problem or part of the solution.. choice… be mindful and aware of being who you want to be and who God is calling you to be… holding Highwatch….KNOWING Love, Light, Peace, and Ease for our beloved Kenya and our community. Be safe…